What Is Saddle Nose?

Saddle nose deformity has been known since time immemorial, and different repair procedures have been trying from time to time. Corrective surgery dictated when saddle nose causes nasal obstruction or the person wants a static improvement of his nose.

Saddle nose definition: The term saddle nose deformity was coined to describe nasal profile resembling a riding saddle.

Usually it is characterized by presenting:

  • Nasal pyramid depression
  • Loss of definition and support nose
  • Nasal length shortened
  • Retrusion of the nasal septum and caudal spine.

The saddle nose is defined as abnormally concave dorsum of the nose with an apparent projection of the nasal tip. Either bony or cartilaginous, or bold portions may be affected.

Saddle nose for many may be relative or true. Relative is when there is a hump formation or excessive projection of the nasal tip or both. In true saddle deformity, there is actual loss tissues along the dorsal nasal line.

What is saddle nose?

Saddle nose (saddle nose) refers to the dorsum bone and cartilage inward showing varying degrees of depression, upturned nose, the nose forward, shaped like a saddle named, it is one of the most common nasal deformities.

Saddle nose caused by how? What’s the matter?

Saddle nose nasal stents composed mainly of nasal septum and damage caused, or as well as the inner wall of the nasal mucosa causes nasal trauma, nasal septum bending inappropriate corrective surgery or from syphilis, leprosy and other specific infections, or severe suppurative infection, can also be due to congenital nasal, septal cartilage dysplasia due.

Saddle nose early symptoms? What performance?

Simple saddle nose: nose flat or showed only mild depression, may be associated with blunt flat nose, nasal no more physiological dysfunction.
Complexity saddle nose: more nasal tissue removal or infections caused by trauma, manifested as bone and cartilage of the nose portion obvious retraction, shaped like a saddle, nose axis shortening, upturned nose, back, forward and upward anterior nasal aperture appears dish face deformity (dish face).

Saddle nose deformity looks much only loss, but with severe septal thickening bending deformation, or the inner wall of severe scar contracture can also hinder nasal breathing and pronunciation.
Difficulty breathing infection skeletal abnormalities nose low (low nose)

Saddle nose how to diagnose? How?

Diagnostic tests:

x-ray examination to determine the extent and scope of the saddle nose, diagnosis and treatment.
Differential diagnosis:
Saddle nose into their reasons for congenital and acquired saddle nose, congenital domestic to saddle nose common; according to the degree of deformity divided into simple and complex saddle nose.

Treatment of Saddle Nose

The first is traditional until today still think it is a more reliable method, which uses its own tissue (bone or cartilage) were implanted filling nose bridge of the nose section. This surgical method involves two bodies.

First place in the body of a cut piece of bone or cartilage (such as ribs, iliac, etc.), then press the nose carved type required to make the necessary engraving, the satisfaction, or in the nostrils and nasal columella incision along the design along the tip of the nose, the nose of the subcutaneous tissue sneak separation, resulting in a tunnel.

After proper hemostasis, the carving good bone or cartilage tissue implanted in the subcutaneous tunnel, the finished shape, look and feel can be satisfied after the incision was sutured, and then implanted with stamp glue bone or cartilage, six days stitches you can get satisfactory results.
Advantage of this autologous tissue transplantation is less prone to rejection or allergic reactions, surgical success rate. But because two incisions to do the surgery, and six months after the bone tissue easily deform and absorb, and therefore is not the most perfect way.